Well, somehow or another you managed to reach my webpage. If you know me, well then I probably told you how to get here. If I don't know you, well by the time you've left here you will know a little bit more about this guy named Ben from Ottawa, Ontario. Enjoy the site, and drop me a line if you feel like it.

who am i?

i'm ben - i thought we already went over that. well lets see. i'm in college, going into third year (or maybe finished long ago - depends how long it takes me to update this page) taking computer science.


hey, in the next few lines
you will read some of my most personal,
intimate details... so have fun

Name: Ben W.
Birthdate: April 1978
Hometown: Ottawa, Ontario
School: Algonquin College
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
Bacon bits or croutons: Bacon Bits
Favorite Salad Dressing: Ranch or ceasar
Do you drink: Hell ya
What type of deodorant do you use: Ban Ultra
Have you ever been skinny dipping: yes
Have you lost your virginity (if so When): Take a wild guess
Do you make fun of people: Not really
Favorite colors: Blue, grey and black
Have you ever been convicted of a crime: whats a crime?
One pillow or two: Two
Favorite animal: dogs and bears
Favorite movie: The Naked Gun
Hobbies: working out, driving around in my car, mp3 music, internet
Dream car: Black Acura NSX
Type of car you drive: Hyundai
Words or phrases you overuse: crazy, whats up, chillin
Toothpaste: Colgate
Favorite foods: lasagna, seafood, lotsa pasta stuff
Piercings or tattoos: had my ear pierced, but it grew in
Favorite ice cream: chocolate
Favorite pop: Coke
Adidas, Nike or Reebok: Fila
Favorite cologne: Roots Uniscent
Favorite song at the moment: Danger is my middle name - barstool profits
Favorite website: www.theonion.com
Favorite subject in school: business
Least favorite subject: calculus integration techniques
Favorite daquiri drink: strawberry
Favorite alcohoic drink: beer or tequila
Favorite sport to watch: hockey
Most humiliating moment: nothing i will say here!
Favorite holiday: Canada Day
What do you look for in the opposite sex: intelligence, beauty and charm